Sunday, June 29, 2014

Voices From the Row: Daddy


It’s been a minute, but my man Mr. Blue is back in this W2TM mix like a DJ Khalid cameo; brief, but always leaving you with something to nod your head to.   Na mean?  Feel the “Blue View” on fatherhood and how it continues to thrive from inside the box.  It’s on you, Blue.


Copyright © 2014 by Leroy Elwood Mann

“Daddy.” There is no higher honor.  Fathers are our first role models, our first heroes.  Fathers shape the behavior of who their children will become.  These children then form communities, and it is communities that make up the world.

The importance of a father’s influence throughout each stage of a child’s development cannot be overstated.  A son sees his dad’s strength and from that example, he learns to be strong, capable, and dependable.  When he sees how affectionate his dad is toward his mom, he learns compassion and that it is not unmanly to care and to love; and it is this balance that stabilizes his soul in a frenetic world where those values are not always clear.

When women look to choose a mate, their standard will always be their fathers.  When the example set by their dads is a good one, little girls grow into beautiful, healthy, high-spirited young ladies.  When the example set by the old man is a poor one, you have dysfunction and young women who are constantly searching, yet can’t quite put their finger on what it is they’re looking for.

As I sit here on death row and contemplate my turbulent life, I sometimes reflect on the fact that I’ve never met my father…

I wish I’d known him…

I wish I’d been a better father to my daughter…

On this Father’s Day, I take my hat off to fathers all over the world.  It doesn’t matter if your pants sag, if you talk with a lisp, if you’re rich or poor, a good speller or dyslexic, short or tall; A rock star or can’t carry a tune in a bucket.

To your child, you are the most important person in the world; you are that kid’s M.V.P.   All that matters to them is that you be there.  Your accomplishments matter not.  The greatest thing a man will ever be in life is a dad.

Happy Father’s Day.

Mr. Blue.
Copyright © 2014 by Paul Brown


  1. Thankyou Mr Blue. I always appreciate the Blue View. It makes sense. dmc

  2. Thank you for your appreciation DMC. The Blue View is not always pretty, but its always honest, always genuine, always real. I think those things should count for something. Thanks so much for your comment.
