Monday, January 2, 2017

It’s A Wrap

 Happy New Year everyone!

I just wanted to take a moment to wish you all the best in 2017.  2016 was a VERY challenging year for me, but a very productive year for Leroy.  I spoke early in the year of an illness that hampered my ability to produce Word to the Masses with the same consistency you had become accustomed.  I was not the one who had become ill.  The near lose of my mother and corresponding long recovery, took my time away from Word to the Masses. 

I’m thrilled to say that my mother, although permanently altered, has made a remarkable recovery. That makes it possible for me to refocus my efforts on sharing Leroy’s expressions. We have discussed a pretty ambitious schedule for 2017 and I’m looking forward to getting back to raising awareness about the injustice of mass incarceration, the challenge of increased recidivism, and the elimination of the death penalty.  We are hoping you will come along for the ride.  Checkout Leroy’s summary of his 2016 activities.

Stay Tuned,
W2TM Editor



Happy Kwanzaa!

As a tremendously productive year comes to an end and another begins, I am inclined to look forward to bigger and better, in 2017.  I have to admit, this uplifting year was somewhat deflated when the realization of a ‘Trump America’ left me speechless.  However, it did inspire a written expression titles, ‘Leaping Backward.’ It will be featured in the upcoming online edition of Scalawag magazine (  Oh! Excuse me.  I haven’t mentioned ‘Swag Mag’ on this platform yet.  So, allow me to do so:

Swag happens to be one of the great things that happened to me as a writer in 2016.  I made the connection last summer through my good friend, Kris Agoranos, who is also the co-founder of Life Lines.  But, I will get to that in a minute.  For now, let’s just focus on my first article being published in Issue #6 of Swag.  Much thanks to my Swag editor, Matthew Witt, for feeling the intensity within the words of, “3 Shifts Of An 11th Hour.” [ ] So far, the journey with Swag has been amazing and one of several highlights in our 2016 campaign for social justice. 

The year began with our 3rd open performance of Serving Life.  I was hoping for our artful presentation to be continuous throughout the year, but the prison administration had other plans.  Although it seems the recent administrative shift has worked in our favor, because our cast was recently given the green light to begin rehearsing again.  The plan is to bring more outside audiences into the fold of human beings Serving Life from the brink of death.  The term, “break a leg,” doesn’t begin to define my focus going into such a great opportunity.  Na mean?

I feel as thought this year’s pace accelerated in March, when Mr. Frank Baumgartner hosted a conference (Race, Innocence and the End of the Death Penalty) in which the monologues from Serving Life resonated with the audience of the Genome Sciences Building in Chapel Hill.

Our hard work and civil resistance was bearing fruit.  People in the position to assist and mobilize were hearing our plight.  And by June, the death row population was granted regular access to the telephones. Our family, friends and loved ones salute this great accomplishment.  But, there was still no room to grow complacent.

Our motivation was high.  The conference room where we hold our weekly classes transformed into a sacred ‘clearing’ where no manmade ceiling existed.  The Life Lines movement was born by the time my granddaughter turned 4 (7/20/16), and listened to me sing happy birthday (my first as a G-dad) to her over the phone; a beautiful moment in time.  SMH.

Death row is life that stands still, yet we were pushing forwarding in a life-changing manner.  We started releasing spoken word expressions through []. In a matter of 30 days the outside support for Life Lines grew tremendously.  The Life Lines website is projected to launch after the first of the year.  But the blessings continued and more doors began to open.

I formed an alliance with Swag by mid-summer.  The editing process with an established publication has enhanced my work ethic.  It has also increased my coffee intake.  LOL.  But, I would much rather be busy working, rather than allowing myself to accept the racial inequality that has me stuck in this long line for capital punishment.  Swag is a great platform for attacking such a grave injustice.

The combination of the early success of Life Lines and my article in Scalawag caught the interest of the cohosts of  My interview with Josh and Adam was something special.  [ ]

I am also looking forward to an upcoming interview with Shane Claiborne and Tony Campolo, of the Across the Pond podcast, which transmits from the U.K.   Stay tuned for more on that venture.

So there it is, 2016 wrapped up in the sum of 850 words.  Holla if ya hear me, Chelle.  LOL.  We can assure you that W2TM will remain committed to raising awareness about the social ills of mass incarceration, racial injustice, and the forgotten humanity that continues to exist on North Carolina’s death row.  2017 is an opportunity to be greater than 2016.  Ya heard?

Much Love,

Copyright © 2017 by Leroy Elwood Mann


  1. The Big Chair Chess Club has followed your efforts transcending the grasp of mental confinement. You have made a game of chess with your spoken words and refuse to be check mated.

  2. Hope without inspiration is the mother of stupidity and the vultures await our exhaustion! It's a new year rap 2017. Forward ever forward.

  3. happy 2017 to you and Keep the Faith Our God is Able
