Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Trump Card

 Editor's Note: It is not our practice to present the work of those who don't wear the 'red jumpsuit,' but Leroy was moved by the particular piece and felt the need to share. Please enjoy.


The 2016 presidential election has been an ongoing topic of discussion in our creative writing class.  It would seem that the newly elected president Trump has been the stone that sharpens the literary swords of my brothers who fight with the pen.

The following spoken word piece was created by “Dee-Kay.” It is a powerful perspective coming from someone who ‘Donnie’ might assume his political views are in line with his presidential bigotry. “Let’s Make America Great Again.”

I only wish you could have heard Dee-Kay’s delivery, as well as the overwhelming applause that followed.  Here’s the next best thing.  I know give you, “Trump Card.”

Always 100,

Copyright © 2017 by Leroy Elwood Mann


By Dee-Kay

Young Emmett Till got killed for speaking to a white lady.
Just 14 years old, they shot and killed someone’s baby.
Tied a fan to his neck and tossed him overboard.
Not even an open casket changed our hearts, how long, oh Lord?

Meanwhile, Don brags about grabbing pussy with his hand
His reward? Elected to the highest office in the land.
Praised for his honesty, his conviction his drive,
While his racist, sexist comments get excused and are allowed to thrive.

We exonerate Emmett’s killers; ignore dead black bodies in the streets,
But say, “boys will be boys” when it comes to Donald’s tweets.
After the trial, Emmett’s killers admit to doing it, but still walk,
But Don, oh he was just engaging in locker room talk.

“That’s the past” you say, back then were a different time,
But look at our jails today, and you think that being black was a crime.
And it’s not that things are different.  It’s just the names that have changed,
Lynch mobs became country clubs; we made prison bars from slave chains.

If justice were truly color blind, then we wouldn’t base guilt
On the size of your bank account, or the number of businesses you’ve built.
But I guess there’s something about that name,
And for Donald, you don’t need to look hard,
To see that when you’re rich and white in this country,

You’ve got the ultimate Trump card.