Sunday, August 24, 2014

Movement Within A Puzzle

I am always inspired by the creativity of others; especially when it is done in a literary fashion.  When RODNEY TAYLOR dropped this bomb of a crafty engineered HIDDEN VOICES word complex, I was thrilled to exercise my FIRST AMENDMENT right – uplifting the significance of this particular form of artistry.

The names of the occupants partaking in our bi-weekly forums can be found within the puzzle – along with selective EDUCATION given and received by all parties involved.  It all begins with PETER KUHNS taking the first steps into the gloom of North Carolina’s basement, bearing a sense of optimism and professional INSIGHT geared toward neglected seeds in need of fertile soil.

The HUMANITY – seeking nurturers of this soil have gone above and beyond humanitarian service, by continuing to SOCIALIZE with a DEATH ROW community in dire need of a movement capable of changing the face of JUSTICE, as we know it. 

This movement is a consistent FFLOW of MORALS that contrast the popular perception of one deemed as worthy of the state’s DEATH PENALTY.  Ironically enough, our loyalty to the craft of LITERARY EXPRESSION is the evolution of this same popular perception of state sanctioned premeditated murder.  We call it, LETHAL INJECTION.

The immortal pages of this magazine is a road map, guiding its readers through a valley of P.O.E.T.S, which leads to the intersection of a PRISONER’S PLIGHT, then detouring through the conscious village of POPS.  PRISON confinement will not be a determent to this conglomerate of cause crusaders.  We are gradually proving that the face of the state’s PANTOMIME disjoints society from the real.

Our soil is cultivated by the likes of Mrs. LYNDEN HARRIS and her cultured team of humanitarians: LAMAR, JESSICA, CATHY, NANCY, and an INNOCENCE crusader named JENNIFER. 

Their compassion has showered the soil that houses the deeply embedded roots of WORD TO THE MASSES; the innovative DEATH ROW GAMBITI and the highly publicized BALL TIL WE FALL, which has also birthed the Mega Analysts and Technicians of Hoops (MATH), a legendary team of statisticians comprised of Paul Brown, William C. Gregory, Danny Frogg, Johnny Hyde, and yours truly, the MannofStat.

The once neglected seeds, MICHAEL BRAXTON, LYLE MAY, JAMES THOMAS, CERRON HOOKS, RODNEY TAYLOR and LEROY MANN, a.k.a., SAUL (Strong Anointed and Unique Laborer), can now stand tall as fruit bearers and providers of shade to those inflamed by injustice.  A forest of ROLE MODELS, indeed.

Always 100,

Copyright © 2014 by Leroy Elwood Mann

1 comment:

  1. Nice words........continue the bless writings be BLESS♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♡
