Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Life or Death


It’s crazy how death surrounds life.  A visual of the death row rec yard regularly reveals different species of birds feeding on the earth, or the bread crumbs left by prisoners.  The ant mounds are more common to sight than tears flowing at a Mary J. Blidge concert.  Real talk.  The death row rec yard has even served as a home to a cat and her litter of kittens, but that didn’t turn out well.  The adolescent hawks grew bored feeding on the pigeons.  Na mean?

Now, I’m not about to go Wild America, on you.  It’s just that, living at the foot of death gives you a greater perspective on life.  I’ve had a tremendous growth spurt of diligence, throughout the past couple of years.  If you’ve been reading this blog, you’ve experienced the release of my thoughts and deepest feelings, and we’ve watched them fly into the world together.  That’s what’s up!

As I continue to mature as a spiritual being, a Mann, and a writer, I’ve developed a much deeper understanding of life (Annimals, insects and plant life are not exempt) on a whole.  Living will not deter death.  I mean, how do we truly appreciate life without the reality of death?  Death will always be available when it’s our time to experience it.  So living in fear of death is futile.  Live with purpose and inspire others.  Ya heard?

Last year began with a barrage of criticism aimed at my literary expressions.  In the wake of the Troy Davis execution, my words continued to come from a beautiful place.  And like life, I enjoy them to the fullest.  But, you can’t please everyone.  Injustice is constant as the negativity layered in the ugliness of hate is expected, the same as death.  Feel me?

A memorable quote from Ms. Linda Joy comes to mind as I write this:
“Your past does not define your future.  Release the mistakes of the past and carry forward only the lessons they contain.  You have the power to rewrite your story at any time.” Words to live by, don’t you think?

My mission hasn’t changed since my inaugural post, “The Basement.” My quest for freedom continues, but more importantly, my relationship with life gives good love, as I stare into the eyes of death.  Life is a cycle, blogosphere.  So, if an ant mound is demolished, or the existence of a pigeon gives way to the hunger of a hawk.  Good or bad, everything in this life is temporary.

I won’t always be held as a prisoner.  Jay-Z can’t rock the mic forever and Barack Obama won’t always be the president of the United States.  If your existence is merely living to die, then please allow our groundbreaking efforts to be a testament to the sweet flavor of life.  Living in bitterness will only hinder future accomplishments.  Ya heard?

Who knows what 2013 has in store?  But, I’m living for the challenge life has to offer.  If you reach for it, prosperity is only an arm’s length away.  Feel me?  I’m out like the 3rd strike.

Peace to All,

Copyright © 2012 by Leroy Elwood Mann

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