Sunday, February 15, 2015

What We Really Know


Wisdom.  Why is it’s meaning such a complex topic of discussion?  In my early years, Wisdom was defined as, “one who knows all.” 

As an adult I understand that only my Creator can hold claim to such a feat.  No man can know everything, and knowing everything is not exclusive to religion, science, or politics.

To say a person is wise beyond their years would imply this person is knowledgeable of things they have yet to experience.  Reading is fundamental, which makes such a statement plausible.  In my experience, knowledge, wisdom and understanding began with the female anatomy.  I was always aware of the difference between a girl’s body and my own. 

I routinely referred to their breasts as ‘hearts,’ a terminology that won favor with the women in my family, but my brother expeditiously corrected this flaw of believing females possessed three hearts.  From that day forth, I knew their bounce had nothing to do with a heartbeat.

As a teenager, I absorbed all of the knowledge within conversations between my brother and his friends, about male and female relations.  With this smidgen of knowledge, I thought I was before my time; wise beyond my years; a legendary playa in the making. 

The females would be outmatched when in my presence.  Well, on more than one occasion I learned that wisdom should have been knowing that a condom, is not solely for the use of pregnancy prevention.  Trust me, acting on “burning” emotions without the benefit of intellect is not wisdom.

Today, as a mature adult, I see wisdom wherever I choose to place my focus.  Wisdom can be buried beneath the consequences of one’s actions.  Or, it could be found under the ruins of a church bombing and continuously resonates through the names of four little girls: Addie Mae Collins, Denise McNair, Carole Robertson, and Cynthia Wesley.  Wisdom is what perpetuates the memory of how ugly racism can truly be and that all that really matters is love.  It really does conquer all.

Who says I’m locked away with no key insight?  Writing has opened doors that I never knew were there; doors that have liberated my soul and replenished my perspective on life.  Wisdom is the pulse of my liberation.  And, that is all I know.

Hoping You Enjoyed Your Valentine’s Day,

Copyright © 2015 by Leroy Elwood Mann

1 comment:

  1. Leroy, as usual your words touch me and inspire me. It is my belief that we all are where we need to be at times for reasons beyond our ability to comprehend.. I am so glad to know you and that you are a part of my life.
