Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Eye In Con: Seeing the Moves Within a Legacy

“Educate yourself to the fullest to become more aware of your creativity.  Where you find your passion is where you find your love.”
Eugene Brown, Chess Master


The above quote came to be during a rap session between Mr. Eugene Brown and your MannofStat (8/28/14).  His words were a direct response to my asking him for advice on how to further this incredible journey we know as W2TM.  Sitting and speaking with someone who has been where I have been, and does not mind sharing the formula to get to where he is – breeds a fluent conversation that is now chronicled as a historical event.  Na mean?

“Hope without inspiration is the mother of stupidity, and the vultures await your exhaustion.”  These are the words of an ex-con tailoring the death row chess club to the body of humanity – allowing all involved to wear this experience as the blueprint to seeing a legacy fulfilled – making him an icon, A man that served time with the legendary Reuben “Hurricane” Carter during the 60’s Civil Rights Era.  “The Hurricane” story has been influential in my personal quest for freedom.  The hard truths pouring from Mr. Brown’s life experiences overwhelm me with inspiration whenever we share the same space.  Word is bond!

As I have said before, Mr. Brown is currently writing his autobiography, “Ex-con To Icon” (Chess Master Making Moves with Leroy - ).  The expression to follow is a combination of hard truths, molded into a poetic expression that permits the reader to see the moves with his legacy.

“Don’t Ask Me How I Got There” reveals the life of an icon.  Your move Mr. Brown.

Be Easy,

Copyright © Leroy Elwood Mann

Don’t Ask Me How I Got There
 Eugene Brown: A poetic expression of his reflective life!

You chose a heck of a place to want to be a star, warming your hands around a fire barrel with other cold hearted, like-minded men, women, children, dogs, cats, PhD’s, MD’s, HIV’s, murderers, robbers, dope fiends and thieves.

All the way from Don Perion on to the night train only to transfer to Richards Wild Irish Rose while tripin on a bottle of ripple.  Oh yeah, you talking about a devastating trip!  Where many are chosen, but very few return.

Don’t even ask me how I spent decades in those crack houses, oils joints, homeless shelters and other dismal crypts.

My mother said it would be days like this if I continued down that dead end street, but she never told me about those lonely nights that I would spend in the back seat of my car-dor minimum, lonely, broke, busted and disgusted and can’t be trusted.

Don’t even ask me how I got there because it is where darkness lives without light, where negativity is accepted for positivity, where ugliness is miss-placed for beauty, where young brothers are being turned over and over and over until finally turned out and

Suicide seems like the only way out!  Oh what a terrible existence – That Prison Industrial Complex.

You want to know how I got there.  Do you really want to know?
Well I’ll answer that for you.
My thinking got me there.  Ask me what was I thinking when I made those decisions.
Ask me about my role models and mentors
Ask me was I thinking b4 serving those long prison sentences.
Ask me did I have any choices while being programmed in subhuman conditions.

Ask me finally how the flame of hope was finally one-day fan into a new way of life.  Ask me how my thinking got me there.  Ask me how I came to accept full responsibility for every move I made.

In a still small voice I heard something say you are the King of your thoughts “Be still and make your next move your best move and always think B4U/move, this is your mission if you choose to accept.”

Copyright © Eugene Brown

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