Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Knowing is believing

This entry was originally scheduled for May 6, 2012

I’ve been told, on more than one occasion, that I have a habit of over analyzing situations that would be considered trivial to most.  I’m a thinker; I won’t apologize for that.  Some of the greatest inventions known to man were insignificant thoughts to someone else.  Right?  I mean, I take great pride in being a thinker.  My thought patterns are excessive sometimes to the point of sleep deprivation.  Feel me?
Expressing my thoughts to you has been a beautiful experience.  This particular expression didn’t originate as a thought.  This piece comes directly from my heart.  Word is bond!
How often do we believe we know someone?  Truly knowing a person is believing in who they are.  For example, a gardener knows the seed he/she sows.  The gardener believes in what he/she knows about the seed.  The gardener will nurture the soil surrounding the seed until it either blossoms or withers.
I was introduced to my gardener shortly after 2 a.m. on July 22, 1968.  Being the ever-so-diligent gardener, Moms knows her seed.  My Creator has gifted me with an eternal existence.  In this realm, Moms has cultivated my being by making me aware of the wintry seasons this life has to offer.   She provides the essential motivation at the slightest hint that I might whither.  She believes in who I am, at a time when my public image is that of an undesirable, but most importantly, she nurtures the soil surrounding me with her attentiveness, guidance and maternal showers of undying love.  Feel me?
A seed is a source of life.  My life has been buried in this box for the past 17 years.  But know this: I am a seed enriched by the nutrients of a bond between mother and son.  I’m the seed that produces deeply rooted optimism by pushing aside my stereotype and creating a new reality.  My growth will push me through any surface – thanks to my gardener.  Ya heard?
I know you Moms, not only as my gardener, but also as the most beautiful flower in the Creator’s garden of life.  My love for you is eternal.  Happy Mother’s Day!!
Your Seed,

Copyright © 2012 by Leroy Elwood Mann


  1. Hey whats up!!! Havent 4got about u....LIL PEOPLES

  2. She harvests seeds that she didn’t plant too! She is a beautiful person inside and out , to know her is to love her and if you do not know her what a lost!

  3. Being a product of one of the seeds that she has planted, I'm a little bias when it comes to her. Having her in my life has helped me to become the woman that I am today. In my eyes it doesn't get any better than her.
