Birth – A beginning or commencement.
-American Heritage College Dictionary
July 22, 1968 is my date of birth. My introduction to this world was the beginning of an eventful journey to where I presently stand. Throughout this journey there have been days where I’ve considered my origin to be a curse. Real talk.
There have been times when I’ve considered my existence to be an embarrassment to my family and those who know me. Attending catholic school in Philly, being honorably discharged from the U. S. Navy after three exploratory years of residing in California, this provided some proud moments for my peoples. No doubt. But, these personal achievements could easily be interpreted as meaningless events, due to my current stint on North Carolina’s death row. It’s a journey that I wouldn’t wish on my deadliest enemy. Feel me?
One of the reasons my journey hasn’t decimated my mindstate to the limited thoughts of self-destruction, is the ink that flows from my pen. Bleeding my literary expression to the masses has been the rebirth of a Mann…A new origin. An origin, which enables me to understand why July 22, 1968 was far from being a curse. My rebirth helps me to understand why the people I thought I may have embarrassed or disappointed can take pride in what I’m accomplishing. My rebirth has cleared the fog surrounding my existence. It has produced knobs on doors believed to be welded shut.
I’ve been cultivated - not by man - but by a much higher degree of educator. My knowledge isn’t founded on a hypothesis that corroborates my purpose in this life. No, my understanding of “me” is a revelation that my link to the masses is kismet, in its truest sense. Word is bond!!
Rebirth is about evolving. It’s when you stop walking away from the doors closed by negativity and walk through them with an air of optimism. Na mean? People will be people. There’s no way around that. When the truth begins to unfurl, some people will target the source. Using anger to silence or discredit the truth. Others may choose to listen, understand and support, which is all good.
No matter which side of this legalistic partition you may occupy, your MannofStat is more than thankful to be here, in this blogosphere. Learning, educating and evolving. Ya heard?
Rebirth – A second or new birth; reincarnation. A renaissance; a revival.
American Heritage College Dictionary
Keep it 100,
Copyright © 2011 by Leroy Elwood Mann