Sunday, January 30, 2011

Rebirth of a Mann

Birth – A beginning or commencement.
-American Heritage College Dictionary


July 22, 1968 is my date of birth. My introduction to this world was the beginning of an eventful journey to where I presently stand. Throughout this journey there have been days where I’ve considered my origin to be a curse. Real talk.

There have been times when I’ve considered my existence to be an embarrassment to my family and those who know me. Attending catholic school in Philly, being honorably discharged from the U. S. Navy after three exploratory years of residing in California, this provided some proud moments for my peoples. No doubt. But, these personal achievements could easily be interpreted as meaningless events, due to my current stint on North Carolina’s death row. It’s a journey that I wouldn’t wish on my deadliest enemy. Feel me?

One of the reasons my journey hasn’t decimated my mindstate to the limited thoughts of self-destruction, is the ink that flows from my pen. Bleeding my literary expression to the masses has been the rebirth of a Mann…A new origin. An origin, which enables me to understand why July 22, 1968 was far from being a curse. My rebirth helps me to understand why the people I thought I may have embarrassed or disappointed can take pride in what I’m accomplishing. My rebirth has cleared the fog surrounding my existence. It has produced knobs on doors believed to be welded shut.

I’ve been cultivated - not by man - but by a much higher degree of educator. My knowledge isn’t founded on a hypothesis that corroborates my purpose in this life. No, my understanding of “me” is a revelation that my link to the masses is kismet, in its truest sense. Word is bond!!

Rebirth is about evolving. It’s when you stop walking away from the doors closed by negativity and walk through them with an air of optimism. Na mean? People will be people. There’s no way around that. When the truth begins to unfurl, some people will target the source. Using anger to silence or discredit the truth. Others may choose to listen, understand and support, which is all good.

No matter which side of this legalistic partition you may occupy, your MannofStat is more than thankful to be here, in this blogosphere. Learning, educating and evolving. Ya heard?

Rebirth – A second or new birth; reincarnation. A renaissance; a revival.
American Heritage College Dictionary

Keep it 100,

Copyright © 2011 by Leroy Elwood Mann

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Hello... Bitterness?


As a death row prisoner in the state of North Carolina, I am “permitted” to make one phone call a year. December is the designated month. For ten minutes, you get to reach out to your peoples in a way that you once took for granted. It’s an annual occurrence that can provide a morale ascension that might jumpstart your mission, going into the New Year. It can also be a grim encounter with certain officers, who exhibit bitterness toward death row prisoners. Na mean?

As much as I enjoy the holiday season, the insidious efforts of these officers to discourage and inconvenience a prisoner and his fam, makes bitterness interchangeable with mistletoe. The bitterness hovers, awaiting acknowledgement and potentially harvests negative responses. The actions of a select few are intended to make a prisoner feel like his friends have become strangers. Or his fam and loved ones have moved on and left him hanging like a clothesline. Feel me?

Disregarding the bitterness that dangles from the walls of death row is a grave challenge, but when I was informed of the 30 or so, protesters outside of Central Prison yesterday (12/17/10), it helped me overcome the bitterness exhibited by the so called “authority figures” working on death row. The Chapel Hill Prison Books Collective and Raleigh F.I.S.T organizations banged drums, blew whistles and carried signs, calling for the release of all prisoners. It was a display of support for prison rebels in the state of Georgia. Their bitter conditions caught the attention of some Raleigh support groups, which is a good thing, because everything ain’t “all sweet” in North Cakalak. Ya heard?

In prison, it’s natural to encounter bitterness on a daily basis. Which brings forth my New Year’s resolution: When standing under the limbs of bitterness, I’ll dig deep, uproot and take the unnatural route by not responding to bitterness with bitterness. Word is bond!

Happy New Year blogosphere!!

Stay Up,

Copyright © 2011 by Leroy Elwood Mann

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Let Freedom Ring


The blogosphere is a unique setting. It’s an opportunity to let freedom ring. It’s an atmosphere in which a person who truly loves the art of literary expression can be heard by the masses. No matter where the expression originates or what situation the writer may be enduring, the love for his/her craft comes through loud and clear in the blogosphere. Feel me?

Now, on the other side of the spectrum, the blogosphere also opens the door for literary attacks. Writing is all about expression, so I welcome these attacks, even if they are anonymous. Na mean?

A wise man once said: “The world can define me as a criminal, but I don’t have to live its definition of me.” That’s real talk coming from Mr. Wilbert Rideau ( A man who etched his place in American history before the blogosphere came into existence. To my anonymous literary attackers, I suggest you pick up a good book, In the Place of Justice ( and open your eyes to the reality of our American justice system.

You claim to know me as a “wanna be thug.” Well, I can understand that perspective coming from someone who believes that case the D.A. presented against me. The “wanna be thug” reference was the theme of his litigable lynching. Obviously you’re familiar with the case against me, but let’s keep it real Anonymous. You never knew me.

If you really knew me you’d know that the victim was a dear friend to me. You’d also know that I was someone she confided in. I knew about her wanting to become a mother and she constantly spoke about her beautiful niece. But, the D.A. never informed you of that because he needed me to a “wanna be thug.” Word is bond!

I find it odd, Anonymous, that you express furor on post like “The Mann I Knew” (3/13/10), “The Basement” (3/31/10), “A Death Sentence is No Nap” (4/21/10) and “A Tribute to Moms” (5/3/10). It would appear that you were attacking me in a chronological fashion, until I discovered that you skipped “It Kills Me” (4/14/10). Why is that Anonymous? Is it because that post challenges what the D.A. has led you to believe? Or is it just the fact that any justice will do? “It doesn’t matter who pulled the trigger, just as long as somebody pays.” Is that your position, Anonymous?

You say: “The state honestly proved beyond a reasonable doubt that I’m responsible for my friend’s murder.” Really? How did the state “honestly” prove anything, with a tainted jury and shoddy SBI lab technicians as their expert witnesses? Please elaborate, Anonymous.

I truly sympathize with the victim’s family and to a certain degree; I can understand some of the incendiary comments. But remaining anonymous can’t begin to rectify the situation. Your satire has no weight unless you claim the expression. So, how is it that I’m the “wanna be?” Real talk.

I welcome your future expressions, Anonymous. Just keep in mind: An eye for an eye leaves both of us blind. Let freedom ring!

Nuff Said,

Copyright © 2011 by Leroy Elwood Mann

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Loves Gonna Getcha: Volume 2


A New Year is upon us. Imani is the principle for the final day of Kwanzaa. It’s the principle of faith. Going into a New Year or starting anew, Imani is essential for the unknown ventures that lurk within the next three sixty-five. Na mean?

This is a time for shedding the disappointments of the year before. Financial setbacks, fading health, or even heartbreak shouldn’t keep us from achieving the goals that await us, in this New Year. Finances can be regained, health issues can be remedied and love heals the deepest wounds caused by heartbreak. Word is bond!

Speaking of love; Mary Christine Brockert was a professor of love. Some of her most memorable lessons were “Dear Lover,” Out on a Limb,” and “Portuguese Love.” Her initial teachings came from under an umbrella of obscurity. Most of her student body had no idea of what she looked like. Her lessons were engaging and profound, to the point of mending heartbreaks and flourishing new loves.

This “Lovergirl” got “Behind the Groove” of a classic lesson, in which, she schooled us about pain before pleasure, a lesson that she referred to as “Fire and Desire.” Her lecture on “Square Bizz” was real talk, indeed. A “Wild and Peaceful” being, Mary Christine, aka Teena Marie, left her “Irons in the Fire” for us to continue our education in life, liberty and the pursuit of love. Na mean?

She left this realm at the heart of the 2010 holiday season, a point in my life, in which her teachings were most relevant to me. You see, I fell way short of being one of her prized pupils. Time after time, I’ve allowed circumstances and lust to be the defining symbols in my equation for love. And, I don’t have to tell you that heartbreak was inevitable, right?

I’ve learned from “Lady T” that heartbreak doesn’t have to leave an ugly scar. It can be a beautiful opportunity to learn that self-love will mend any broken heart. Once healed, “Oooo La La La” is the way that you’ll feel when you know it’s real. Ya heard?

It’s funny, just days after Teena Marie left us, I moved to the head of her class. “It Must be Magic,” because I thought I failed her course one too many times. Real talk.

R.I.P. “Vanilla Choc.” Love’s lessons can be learned through your soulful sounds. Love is very serious and if you don’t watch out, it’s gonna getcha.

That’s what’s up!

Peace and Love,

Copyright © 2011 by Leroy Elwood Mann

Monday, January 3, 2011

Is a 2nd Chance so hard for our “Humane Society?”

On my last trip to see the orthopedic doctor, I was accompanied by an old-timer that required the use of a wheelchair. As I pushed him up the tunnel, he asked why I was going to see the doctor. I told him that I was going to get a new pair of shoes. Then I asked him if he was going for the same reason. He replied, “Naw man. I’m going to get a new leg.” You see, the old-timer lost half of his right leg due to complications with diabetes. Real Talk.

That reality check gave me a reason to wake up this morning and give thanks to the Creator for the mobility of my lower extremities. And, what better way to do that than to carry out the exploration of the snow-stained surface of the death row rec yard, in pure Kunta Kinte fashion? (see “My Kunta Kinte Thing” 8/9/10).

The chill of the December winds can’t stop my Kunta Kinte Thing. 36 degrees was the high for this particular day. My ears were cold, my eyes were watering, but my mind was ever-so-clear as the soulful sounds of Escape’s “Who can I run to?” rang through my headphones. Without question, my thoughts got deeper than a mine in Chile. So grab your shovel and dig my latest expression.

Sometimes the lengthy price of redemption stings my mental like a Bernard Hopkins flurry. So many people are still bashing Mike Vick for his mistreatment of animals in the past. Now, I know it wouldn’t be logical to think that everyone would be receptive to a man gaining a 2nd chance after being labeled a “dog killer.”

As human beings we have the responsibility to uphold the torch of compassion, which is the practice of being humane. Raising animals for slaughter, artificially inseminating animals for the purpose of human consumption, using horses and dogs as weapons of authority or practicing brutal and inhumane methods to train an elephant for the sake of human entertainment, is not my definition of what it is to be humane. Feel me?

Would it not be humane to show compassion for a man who made a mistake? A man who put himself in a situation that warrants dire consequences? This is America, a country that was founded on the philosophy of “A New Beginning.” It’s also a country that entitles everyone to have an opinion, and this is mine:

If the Creator is the author of all living things, why do humans take animals into captivity (zoo, sea world or a circus nearest you) as a means of protecting them from extinction? If the Creator doesn’t feel your time is up, extinction is not possible. Humans are not protecting an animal’s species through captivity. They’re merely perpetuating entertainment for the sake of humanity. Ya heard?

Mike Vick is proving that he can be a productive member of society. I enjoy watching him throw touchdowns, but I love what he has to say to the youth of America. His words won’t stop youngstas from making mistakes, but his influence may spare them a stint in captivity. Na mean?

Keep it 100,

Copyright © 2011 by Leroy Elwood Mann