“Wilderness & Razorwire: A naturalist’s observation from
prison” is a gift to anyone behind the wall, deeply in touch with the life
forms existing around them. Reading the
works of Ken Lamberton, and all his talk about nature, has got me open like a
window. Na mean?
My “Boss Lady” spent two years on assignment in Kenya. Living on the continent of Africa – The
Motherland – has been a lifelong dream of hers.
It’s been a blessing for both of us.
You see, she understands my connection to nature, and knows
that I’m deeply fascinated with lions.
So, she sent me some pics from her day (12 hours), touring the Kenyan
The lion is a beautiful species of feline. The battle scars
of a lion’s maturation can be an artful display – depending on how you look at
it. Battle scars give a history. Living to grow a full mane is an
accomplishment within itself. But it’s
an accomplishment that bears its fair share of battle scars. Feel me?
Even with a baldhead, my soul bears a full mane – groomed in
spirituality. I wear my emotional and
physical battle scars with pride, as I etch my footprints in this jungle of an
existence. Know that!
be fed by human hands would be the ultimate disrespect to these lions of the
Kenyan Maasai Mara. The human logic is
not applied to the dietary habits of these lions. They eat WHATEVER they want; a gazelle, an
impala, or even the occasional water buffalo.
Well fed. Walking on
paws of thunder and balanced by a tail that resembles a steel cable. These lions are the undisputed kings of the
beasts. It’s simply their nature. Ya heard?
Some may ask: how does this analogy play out? How do you maintain the wildness and
commanding presence while you are incarcerated?
Simply put; I remain sucka-free, because every eye can’t see, even if
they are zoomed in on me. My mental
knows no shackles! Word is bond!!
My paws of thunder will push this pen and pound the soils of
the blogosphere, until the human hands that attempt to break my spirit recognize
that I refuse to walk in shame. I’m well
fed on life experience and it’s simply in my nature to hold my place at the top
of the survivor’s food chain.
This is my free mind at work, Dr. Kuhns. Your mission.
My mission. Our journey. The roadblocks ahead have already been
dismantled by the Creator and quenched the bonfires surrounding our paths. That’s what’s real!!!
Copyright © 2014 by Leroy Elwood Mann
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