Living within the
confines of a penitentiary setting, it is commonplace for the structure of this
environment to bend human compassion – forming a drone validated by the cage in
which it stands. A recent conversation
with my man Chino led to this upcoming expression of genuine reflection.
The profoundness of
our ongoing discussions is a credit to our will to survive the psychological
antics of confinement’s key holder, “The Turnkey.” The cage is an assembly line for the
production of drones, but becoming a drone is not exclusive to the inhabitants
forced to live inside the cage.
Some drones possess an
illusion of authority because they are assigned to turn a key, which opens and
closes the cage’s door. This type of
drone is programmed to despise and distrust the prisoner on sight.
Live and learn,
blogosphere, as Chino holds up the mirror of truth. The following reflection may be someone you
Always 100,
Copyright © 2014 by
Leroy Elwood Mann
Reflection of a TurnKey: Is this you?

On this particular day, however the hatred was up a notch, so much so, that I felt compelled to ask the question, why do they (Mr. & Mrs. Turnkey) hate us (prisoners) so much? I’d like to take up a few of your minutes to share my reflection on this matter. In doing so I hope to bring about a deeper awareness and self-evaluation.
Why does Mr. Turnkey hate me so? Surely it can’t be because of my digs: I
reside in a bathroom that’s furnished with a bunk and shelves. Virtually everything I own is on loan! My gear is a joke; my ‘whip’ consists of an
AM/FM radio. Did I mention the plush
manicured concrete and dirt that make up the grounds of my apartment
complex? It’s to die for!
Well, perhaps it’s my person? I’m no slouch, and Moms and Pops did their
thing for sure. But, Mr. Turnkey doesn’t
even know me, I’m a stranger to most of them and familiarity in the ‘box’ is
still formal: last names only, no personal info, exchanging ‘us’ and ‘y’all’
i.e. officers and prisoners. Hold on, am
I accused of murdering /robbing a member of their family? No, I’ve checked. So, what’s the reason you hate me so?
A friend of mine once said that what we’re dealing with
there is the old, field and porch psychology, and I couldn’t agree more. Based on the disposition of Mr. Turnkey it’s clear
that I (the prisoner) have been made into the whipping boy for all of your
insecurities, failings and life circumstances.
Outside of these prison walls you’re a loser without a real
life. Why else would you hate it when a
condemned man receives a little sympathy or kind words from a female co-worker
of yours? Why else would you oppress,
suppress and pride yourself on having me do without and to suffer?
Ask yourself Mr. Turnkey. What’s interesting is that you and I know what it’d be if I wasn’t in your daddy’s box! Your power is an illusion that begs the question of what would you be without brothers liked me?
Ask yourself Mr. Turnkey. What’s interesting is that you and I know what it’d be if I wasn’t in your daddy’s box! Your power is an illusion that begs the question of what would you be without brothers liked me?
I’m reminded of the drunken diatribe of Mr. Al Pacino in the
gangster classic ‘Scarface’ in which, as the character of Tony Montana, he
explains to a crowd of astonished onlookers how the name on the bottom; the
object at the end of the self-righteous pointing finger, is needed in order for
them to give their lives worth. He ends
with the acknowledgement of “say goodnight to the bad guy…”
Mr. Turnkey, it’s not really me you hate, rather it’s
yourself that’s got your face twisted.
I, along with other brothas of my ilk am the mirror you face when you
come to work. Instead of hating the
mirror, how about you tackle the reality it’s reflecting of you. Perhaps you then will acquire a life! When you have a life, you’ve no time to hate
on another’s.
Alive and Strong
Copyright © 2014 by Chino
Copyright © 2014 by Chino
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