In the earliest stages
of a physical existence, a mother is the life source. When we come of age, we tend to take that
life source for granted.
I can appreciate Lil’
Bison’s perspective on the relevance of Mother Earth. Mankind has turned it’s back on her as if
this life source is no longer relevant to our physical existence. Na mean?
As a parent and grandparent,
the state of Mother Earth has the ultimate relevance for me. That’s my take. I’ll let Lil’ Bison do the rest.
Copyright © 2014 by
Leroy Elwood Mann
Once again my friend MannofStat has enabled me to share my
thoughts with the Masses. Thanks man. This
means more to me than anything that Webster guy could come up with to explain
Much love and respect for you
always. And thanks to all whom embraced
“To Be Civilized.” (
My ancestors respected Mother Earth to the upmost. She was still is the provider for their every
need. Very rarely did any Tribe take
more from Her than what was needed. They
knew that if they destroyed Mother Earth, they were only destroying
themselves. If today’s youth were taught
to take better care of our Mother, would the future of their grandkids’;
grandkids have a healthier place to flourish?

We’re her
daughters and in my cultural instructions – Minobimaati Siiwin – we are to care
for Her. I am taught to live in respect
for Mother Earth. In Indigenous
societies, we’re told that Natural Law is the biggest law, higher than the law
made by nations, states, municipalities and the World Bank. That one would do well to live in accordance
with Natural Law, with those of our Mother.”
ability to live.
Human beings are the most intelligent of species, yet we
lack the sense to be ONE with Nature.
Destroying the very substance that sustains our existence. To some people Nature may seem cruel, but we
must understand a Mother’s love is unconditional. To take care of Mother Earth is something
that all mankind should come together to do.
One Love,
Lil’ Bison
Copyright © 2014 by Paul Cummings
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