Sunday, August 18, 2013

Room Without A Roof: sky’s the limit


Congratulations are in order for my son’s upcoming wedding.  Ms. Jessica Freeman is officially becoming a member of the Mann Tree.  A much welcomed addition, no doubt.  I mean, meeting the Mann of your dreams at the altar can only solidify the link in our family chain.  Right?

The preparations for this monumental event is a beautiful gesture I only wish I could physically be a part of.  SMH.  You see, for so long, I’ve wanted to be the pillar of strength in my son’s life.  Teaching him how to be a Mann and giving him the: “Behind every good Mann is a great woman” talk.

Well, I guess the roles are reversed now, Son.  Watching your life from afar has given me the strength to endure any and everything the state has to offer.  Feel me?  If there is any advice I could give you before you jump the broom, it would simply be: True love can’t be wrong.  You’re marrying your soul mate Son.  Nothing can be wrong with that.  That’s what’s up!

Whenever I see my Lil’ Mann (Deuce) rocking his Jordans or my Summer Breeze (Tear) in her latest baby girl fashions, I’m reminded of the beauty this union of Daveante and Jessica has permitted this fam to experience.  The sky’s the limit for this young duo.  Beautiful people making beautiful babies; makes for a beautiful future.  The Mann Tree has been fruitful, indeed.  The more Manns the better.  Ya heard?

And to the great woman behind the good Mann; I only wish I was there to tell you just how welcome you are to the right coast side of Daveante’s fam.  You’ve been a part of this legacy ever since you made the choice to give me a grandson, Mrs. Mann-to-be.  I can’t even begin to explain how your choice affected my life.  Though we’ve never met, I have every reason to have love for the mother of my grandchildren.  Feel me?

Jessica, as far as traditions go; I can’t give you something old, something new, something borrowed or something blue, but something genuine I can offer.  The Mann in your life, is the Mann I’ve always wanted to be.  Ain’t nothing wrong about that.  Ya heard?

So, cheers to Mr. and Mrs. Mann!  May your love be as infinite as your undying legacy.

Much Love,

MannofStat, a.k.a., G-Dad


  1. I also wish them the best I truly know and feel within my spirit that your son will cherish the Woman that God has placed in his life! I pray that they will continue their love, devotion and commiment for enternity! And you Sr. Mann Never Ever Look, back on what should have been could have been! Just rememember God has a plan for us all! Whether we want to accept it or not! He is the one with the Master Plan! Be Bless!
