Sunday, May 5, 2013

Where Would I Be?

Where would I be without the fruitful existence of a “Stingin B?”

Would I have been a foster child?
A resident in a group home?
Or a stillborn that never knew what it was like to be me?

Where would I be without my personal pain and strife?
Possibly walking through reality without a clue
Would I be casually living in fear of what others have the potential to do?
Maybe I’d be relying on the experiences of others to establish my own points of view

Where would I be without the fulfillment that being loved  brings?
That fulfillment that makes you feel good things
Pulls at your heart’s strings
The fulfillment that gives a Mann joy and produces the song he sings
Wow!  Would I be just another angry Mann locked in the Bing?

Where would I be without my Co-D? 
Yes! my ever-so-elusive Co-D.
Would I be at the mercy of legal finaglers?
Surrounded by habitual enablers?

A sycophant without the need to water the seeds of his own seed
And furthering his legacy when he can no longer proceed
Is that what I’d be?

Where would I be without the yearning for true justice?
Adhering to a life where pessimism prevails?
Would I be convincing myself that the death chamber is the result of my life’s worth?
Ignoring the reflection in my mirror as if my life was a curse
To the Divine Creation and all that is good on this earth

Where would I be without my Almighty Creator?
Would I even breathe air? 
Would this life even exist?
Would I still have my back to the wall while enduring the state’s fist?

Without my Creator, none of my wondering would even matter
You’re reading these words He gave me.
For it is He that made me

He chose not to give me the existence of a mere ameba
Or the stressful life of a cheetah
Instead, He gave me the bloodline of Royalty
Making me the baby of a “Stingin B.”
And no injustice will ever take that away from me

Always 100,

Copyright © 2013 by Leroy Elwood Mann


  1. Nice words good and strong words I like that!

  2. Awesome my bro just awesome
