Sunday, September 4, 2011

Shaking Things Up!

Go to fullsize imageHotep,

Everyday at 2pm, the prison is locked down for the first of three formal counts.  Only the officers doing the math are permitted to move during these counts.  Well, today (8/23/11) was different.  This is the day that the east coast shook.  Real talk.

Just before 2pm, an earthquake reaching 5.8 magnitude, shook the walls and doors of this mausoleum, better known as Central Prison.  I was shaving when the cell doors began to vibrate, which isn’t unusual.  You see, whenever the ventilation system is propelled to full blast, the cell doors will vibrate, but I didn’t feel a high powered breeze coming through the vent.  So, I went to the cell door to see if there was an officer responsible for the vibrating door.  There wasn’t.
Standing there holding my razor, I could see other faces beginning to appear in the windows of their cell doors.  Faces stamped with looks of uncertainty.  A few were compelled by their uncertainty to turn their radio dials to National Public Radio News.  When it was revealed that we had just experienced an earthquake, my thoughts immediately went to my fam.  I prayed that everyone was fine.  I was overwhelmed with relief when I caught the 5 o’clock news report.  From Philly down to Raleigh, no earthquake casualties were reported.  Whew!

I lived in Cali for 3 years.  The ground shook once in those 3 years.  Fortunately, I wasn’t aware of what was happening until the next day.  I slept right through it.  Real talk.
It makes you wonder: How can we go 1 minute without acknowledging the grace and mercy of our Creator?  I mean, in an instant, millions of lives could’ve been lost.  One minute we’re just going through the motions of our existence, and then the Creator decides to shake things up to help you regain your focus.  Feel me?

How could I not think of this building being reduced to rubble?  Philly (my boot) and my Braun battery operated razor would become relics of the author formerly known as MannofStat.  Death penalty supporters would call it poetic justice, but the favor of my Creator has granted me another expression to speak into the ears of the masses.  Ya heard?
We don’t live in a perfect world People.  The Creator knows this better than any of his creations.  The eastern seaboard was shaken, not just to get my attention, but the attention of anyone who has something at stake in this lifetime.  Humanity is still an option, People.

We have another opportunity to make things right.  Mend the wounds of hate and give humanity a chance.  Many lives were spared today.  If the Creator can do it, why can’t you?
Keep on Keepin,

NP 4 Life
Copright © 2011 by Leroy Elwood Mann

1 comment:

  1. As my summer days come to end I patiently, but anxiously await the year Ive waited for all my life. All these thoughts are running through my head as my last first day approaches and one of those thoughts is my brother not being able to see me on my last first day. There's not a doubt in my mind that he will be there on my last day(Physically or Spiritually). Him, my Nana, and cuz Kenya are the three people I ask God everyday to allow them to see me get my diploma. Im gonna make them proud! As I exit one chapter of my life and enter another I want those three to be along for the whole ride, twist and turns, ups and downs. With all that being said reading this blog just made me realize I need to cherish every moment God gives us and all the people He puts in our life. Especially FAMILY! My brother Lump and my rugrats (all my lil cousins) are my motivation. Im screaming to the masses to hear my brothers plea and forgive him. Love and miss you Leroy Mann.

    Love ya Lil sis/cuz<3.
