Seeing my parents is always a blessing.
Our visits are never wasted on idle conversations.
The chatty chicks from “The View” have nothing on us when we begin to explore the hot topics in the news.
But today, the 90 minute duration of our visit was spent appreciating what family really means.
I can’t imagine how life would be without my fam.
Somehow, some way, we all complement one another.
Each of us offers something the other needs.
Our family unity is like that of a bicycle.
At times, the spokes may become damaged or even break, but the wheel never stops spinning. Na mean?
This year our family reunion will be in Philly (August 13th thru 15th).
It coincides with my Pop’s birthday (8/15).
So they’re gonna do it big!
It crushes me to know that I won’t be able to partake in the festivities physically; seeing my cousins, hugging my aunts, politicking with my uncles and kissing the sweet face of my forever young Nana. Real talk.
I can’t make it this year, Samuel fam.
Hear my words and you’ll know that my heart is with you and my voice will forever be in your ear. Ya heard?
R.I.P Mr. Julius Samuel, aka Pop-Pop.
One Love,
Copyright © 2010 by Leroy Elwood Mann
The family reunion was amazing and I can honestly say even though you werent there physically we felt your presence. Relationships were mended and we just all came together as one union. It was a blessing to see our family just come together. Family members that havent been around in years came. You had a big part to do with relationships being restored so for that I thank you bro. Pop-pop was smiling down on us and you. I know he was happy to see Nana as happy as she was. To see the look on her face when all her family was together was priceless and just know your the reason why that look was there. She talks about you all the time and me and her both are just waiting for your arrival where you can kiss the sweet face of our forever young, independent, loving Nana. I love you bro.
ReplyDeleteR.I.P Pop-Pop.
I'm glad to hear the links in our family chain are coming together and regaining full strength, but remember cuzzo, life is short for all of us. We all need to make amends and come together now. Feel me? I love you cuzzo.
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