My Peoples. It’s a blessing to be in your ear once more. All glory be to the Creator for allowing my homegirl Chelle to be the headphones that carry my voice.
You’re doing your thing Ma and doing it well. No doubt.
A couple of months ago I received some emails from friends that I hadn’t heard from in a minute. It was good to know that my peoples haven’t given up on life.
We can’t change poor decisions we may have made in the past, but we can most definitely remain focused on the great things to come. Ya heard?
Each day inside this box, my focus is on productivity. If I’m not eating, sleeping or working out, I’m doing my best to be productive, making a positive difference in a negative situation.
My friends and family have played a major role in the positive direction my life seems to be going into.
As you may or may not know, North Carolina’s Death Row has a basketball tournament every year.
I just released the 2010 All-World Squad. This year’s basketball tournament will be starting in the next couple of months.
The posting of the All-World Squad always ignites the fire within the ballers.
In tribute to that inner fire, I’m calling this season, “Bringing the Heat.”
We have a new logo. I released it with the All-World Squad posting. It’s a silhouette of a famous baller, who revolutionized basketball as we know it, surrounded by the words, “Bringing the Heat.”
I figured it was more than appropriate due to the fact that death row basketball is revolutionary in itself. Ya heard?
In connection with this year’s tournament, I will be launching a new blog called, “Ball Til We Fall” (http://balltilwefall.blogspot.com/) where true basketball fiends can witness the raw unadulterated play of death row b-ball.
So, stayed tuned for the new blog and pass this on to all of the basketball fiends you know.
A couple of months ago Sharon made a comment on my first post, the“Basement” piece. I want her and everyone in the blogosphere to know that my focus will always be on the door at the top of the stairs. I love you for your input Sharon. Thank you so much for hearing me.
Thanks for the encouraging words Kizzy. Stay tuned for more Cuz. Give me a chance to dry those tears. Keep reading. My diligence will soon bring a smile to your heart. Feel me?
In conclusion, I wanna thank my homegirls from Northern Liberties who recently reached out to me through email. Welcome back to my life. Let’s keep the lines open. Ya heard?
Copyright © 2010 by Leroy Mann
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