Happy Mother’s Day.
These words go out to all of the diligent moms.
Those who are with us in the blogosphere and those who have sorrowfully moved on to a much better existence.
And, to the soon to be moms, motherhood doesn’t start at child birth, it begins with conception. Feel me?
I wish I could send all of you a card, but since I can’t, let me take this opportunity to acknowledge some powerful mothers who have left everlasting impressions on my brief existence.
First and foremost, I love you Moms.
The greatest day of my pre-existence was October 14, 1937. No doubt.
To Ms. Betty (R.I.P), Deb, Aunt Nettie, Ms. Anita, Sharon, Norma Jean, Nana, Aunt Mary(R.I.P), Aunt Lena, Ms. Rosalie, Kizzy, Tonja, Aunt Cat, Ms. Brenda, Tweedy, Narvella, Jessica, Ms. Mary and the beloved Ms. Rissi(R.I.P).
What would we do without them?
I’m about to exhale people so hear my voice:
I have always been attracted to women and always will be.
My habitat was populated with aggressive females, starting with my Moms, the disciplinarian of our fam.
Growing up she was the protector of her 5 sisters.
Everybody from 19th street in North Philly knew of ‘Stingin B.’
The neighborhood boys feared her more than they did my grandfather.
Athletic, outspoken and heavy-handed,
A nightmare to the juvenile male ego, but a daddy’s dream indeed.
If you think I’m wrong, ask Richard Williams.
His daughters have captivated the tennis world for more than a decade.
Going against the grain and revolutionizing the sport of tennis has made Venus and Serena two of the world’s most popular female athletes…champions on and off the court.
Tennis has brought them a long way from their humble beginnings of Compton, CA,
But, Richard Williams has said on numerous occasions, that his daughters have done more for the sport that the sport could ever do for them. I agree.
These sisters owned Wimbledon and the U.S. Open became their backyard.
They are no doubt the mothers of the modern day tennis.
Their influence has bred an entire generation of aspiring youngstas.
These mothers of modern day tennis are beautiful black women, epitomizing success.
They’re athletic, outspoken and heavy-handed,
Qualities of a woman that should be celebrated not suppressed.
These qualities have nurtured generations of babies of all races. Na mean?
So, once again I say, ‘Happy Mother’s Day to all of the diligent moms.
I love you Moms, a.k.a., ‘Stingin B.’
You are the fruit of my world and a champion in life.
That’s what’s up!
Copyright © 2010 By Leroy Mann
The woman you killed wanted to be a mother. Thanks to you, that will never happen.
ReplyDeleteOkay Anonymous you are really starting to piss me off. I'm not going to take the high road on this that my uncle may do if he even responds to your comment. This particular post is dedicated to my Grandmother and I'll be damned if you gonna come up here with all that. My Grandmother doesn't need to come up here and see that ish you writing about. Anybody that has access to a computer can go and Google what happened. For you to come up here and put that on this particular post shows that you have some serious issues. How bout you go somewhere and kick rocks because that was not even necessary. FOR REAL!
ReplyDeleteSee Leroy's response to Anonymous (January 1, 2001) in the post, Let Freedom Ring (http://word2themasses.blogspot.com/2011/01/let-freedom-ring.html), January 16, 2011