Wednesday, August 5, 2015

New Life Brings Significance to Older Ones

This entry was scheduled to post the week of July 19th.  We apologize for the delays in our schedule, but we expect postings to return to normal going forward.  We will be posting two blog entries a week until the schedule is back on track. Thank you for your patience.


For weeks I’ve been wrestling with the most suitable way to say Happy Birthday to my now, 3-year-old granddaughter, Daleah.  Better known to me as ‘Tear.’ Logical thinking might suggest, ‘she’s only 3. How hard could it be to tell a 3 year old child, Happy Birthday?’

Maybe that brand of thinking would hold some weight if the youngest Mann in my tribe did not have such a deeply rooted connection to everything I take pride in being.  Her tiny heart does so much more than control the pulse rate rhythmically flowing throughout her precious little frame.  My life means so much more with you in it, Baby Girl.

By the time you read this, you should be well aware of my lifelong fascination with nature and the way it continues to thrive within a penitentiary setting.  I couldn’t help but to think of you as I watch three goslings stumble around the rec yard where your G-Dad works out.  The goslings know no fear.  They are very energetic and if you stare at them for too long, you become selfish - wishing they could just remain as babies forever.

When I look at your pics, I see the liveliness that dwells within a great beginning.  You have the gene of an evergreen soul, Baby Girl; long life is in your future.  At 3, you are something I have never seen, myself in the face of a beautiful little girl. For this reason, I wish you could stay as you are.

Maybe I’ve already missed your delightful response to encountering geese for the very first time.  As I view their activity on the rec yard, I envision a G-Dad and his ‘Tear’ walking in the park and feeding the geese and goslings popcorn kernels.  I can feel you squeeze my hand as you hold out the other with a popcorn kernel resting in the center of your tiny palm.

Your eyes clench as you feel the slightest pinch of nature feeding from the beautiful life that you possess.  With a kiss on the cheek and the hug of a lifetime, I welcome you into the life you’ve replenished.  Thank you, Daleah.

Happy Birthday, Lil’ Mama!!

Loving You,


Copyright © 2015 by Leroy Elwood Mann