
As a writer, he's in a class all by himself. Blogosphere, welcome
to Bucktown.
Your MannofStat
Two and a half months ago, an experimental reading
and writing workshop was offered to us here on death row. It is
appropriately called "writing from captivity." Initially I was
reluctant to participate; especially considering the workshop is being
supervised by the manager of the prison's psychological program. No way
was I going to give the prison administration a 'free' opportunity to
psychoanalyze me.
That could work against me considering I'm in the
midst of my appeals and anything I say or do can be used against me. But
then I thought about it and considered the possibility of the workshop being of
some benefit to me. After all, I do consider myself a writer and I'm
always working on improving my writing skills.
Well, I signed up for the workshop and I'm glad I
did. It is one of the most enlightening experiences I have ever had.
"Writing from captivity" is about more than just writings from
people who are incarcerated, its about expressing thoughts and emotions that
are held captive inside of us.
You see, being incarcerated, our opportunities to
tell people what we think and how we feel are limited - relegated even, to
being written down. It is said that words are power. Well, being in
such a powerless situation as incarceration, writing gives us the best power of
expression available. Otherwise, we would not be heard.
This workshop has helped me see this better.
So I repeat, it is one of my most enlightening experiences. I say
this for several reasons, but for the sake of brevity I'll only give two.
The first is the book "Man's Search for Meaning," by Victor
Frankl. Its an autobiographical account of his experience in the Nazi
concentration camps of World War II - not so much how he survived it, which was
miraculous, but rather how he endured it.
The second reason is the heavy focus on poetry.
My understanding of poetry is, it is simply an artful way of expressing
one's emotions and/or thoughts. Even more, it draws out the true individual,
the part of them that is rarely seen.
Thoughts run rampant in a place like this and
writing is a therapeutic process that we all employ consciously or not.
As one who does so consciously, I'm glad the workshop is being given.
It has inspired me and increased my passion for writing. Literally
"writing from captivity." This doesn't have to be a bane. It
can be a golden opportunity to reach out beyond captivity.
Unreachable Love
For the life of me I can't seem to crack the code
Find the key to your heart even more mines won't
let go
of thoughts of you despite your aloofness
The signs that my efforts to connect with you are
What are you, a voodoo priestess?
Who has cast a spell on me with your essential
My heart is a prisoner of your memory
Longing for just a glimpse of your energy
A synergistic connection
A semblance of your affection
A moment to bask in the glow of your enchanting
A distant vision of your hypnotic stride
To have the melody of your voice caress my ears
It would be sublime to hold you near
Ahhh hopes and dreams they seldom come true
But despite my knowledge of this I can stop
thinking of you
Copyright (c) 2013 by Rodney Taylor